There are a number of membership options for the 2014 season.
- Junior Pigeon
- True Pigeon
- Family Pigeon
- King Pigeon - Single
- King Pigeon - Double
- King Pigeon - with the Honor of Sponsoring a Senior Pigeon.
Please go to our website for all the details and pricing.
Once there you can register online. Alternatively you could pay by direct credit into the YFNC bank account (BSB 803188, Account 7878, Name in the reference) then mail your completed application to YFNC, PO Box 240, Yarrawonga, 3730 or scan/email to
Or you can call into our Administration Office at 3 Witt Street, Yarrawonga (Eworks Building) between 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
If you have any queries, please phone the club on 03 5744 3896.